💭 reflections on: what happens when you belong to different cultures
inbetweenishMarch 02, 202300:24:12

💭 reflections on: what happens when you belong to different cultures

What happens when you're inbetweenish? It's both a curse and a blessing as there are many internal and external battles that you face when you have multiple belongings. In this episode we try to unpack some of the common experiences— the good and the bad that comes with being inbetweenish.

PS. Bob the cat makes an appearance 🐈

💭 reflections on: what is culture

Tune into this minisode to understand the many complex layers of culture using the iceberg analogy. This goes in depth into explaining and providing examples for the many visible and invisible layers of culture.

💭 reflections on: Third Culture Kids and Cross-Cultural Kids explained 
Listen to this minisode, especially if you’re not familiar with the terms TCK and CCK. It sheds light on the many different ways someone can exist, experience, and belong across different cultures.

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The in-betweenish pod is produced by Beatriz Nour
Music is composed and produced by Malik Elmessiry