💭 reflections on: old friends
inbetweenishMarch 17, 202200:04:16

💭 reflections on: old friends

Old friends are often times a gateway to our past selves. Who we were as teenagers is not gone but only built upon. Today, I encourage you to reach out to an old friend from your teenage years, even if you’re no longer very close. They still know a past version of yourself that may be buried under layers of adulthood.

PS. If you do reach out to an old friend and want to share your story with me, I’d love to hear from you. 🎙️ And you can actually send me a voice message through our website! Looking forward to connecting with more of you soon.


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The in-betweenish pod is hosted and produced by Beatriz Nour
Music is composed and produced by Malik Elmessiry